Bleeding Causes After or During Intercourse, Prevention & Important Notes

Is it normal to bleed after sex? For women bleeding during intercourse or after, can be a concerning and embarrassing issue outside from the period time, mainly because most women do not really know if it is normal or there is something else that can be the cause for vaginal bleeding.

It’s important to keep in mind that often times a painless bleeding is common, but it’s crucial to pay attention on how frequently this is happening to you, in order to know if a doctor examination is required.

Bleeding after sex can be caused by different reasons, where one of the most concerning causes is the cervical cancer. The vaginal bleeding starts in the cervix, in the form of a tube alike, ranging from the bottom of the uterus up until the opening of the vagina.

What are the root causes of spotting after sex?

  1. Cervix inflammation.
  2. Sexual transmitted diseases.
  3. Cervical polyps.
  4. Friction during intercourse.
  5. Vaginal infection.
  6. Genital Sores.

This could be caused by the inflammation of the cervix or also could be caused by a sexual transmitted disease such as chlamydia or gonorrhea, these types of diseases or inflammation can cause the bleeding after sex. If you have contracted a sexual transmitted disease you need to be tested and get the right treatment.

Another reason for bleeding after sex, light spotting, could be cervical polyps, these are usually small, about one to two centimeters, most of them are not cancerous and they can be easily removed by a doctor.

There are other many reasons that can lead to noticing blood after sex, such as friction during sex, a cervical or vaginal infection, genital sores that can be caused by herpes, it could be normal if you are just beginning your period or if it has just finished and the bleeding does not continue and finally there is the cancer factor, which is the most concerning cause.

Is bleeding after sex normal if you are pregnant?

This can be alarming but most of the time is not a cause for concern. This is common because the cervix can bleed more easily due to the extra blood vessels that are developing in that area.

If all your tests results are normal and your doctor cannot find a specific cause for bleeding after sex, you should not be worried, a recent study have found that half of women that have experienced bleeding after sex have seen it disappear in about two years.

How to prevent bleeding after intercourse?

  • Use lubricants: If one of the reasons you have for bleeding is friction you can always use a lubricant before or during intercourse.
  • Don’t have sex right after period: Also it is known that you can wait a little longer after your period has ended in order to have sex again, it seems the uterine bleeding at the end of your menstruation is the main cause.
  • Remove cervical polyps: If the cause for bleeding after sex or during sex is having cervical polyps the best way to remedy this is to have them removed by your doctor and the bleeding will stop.
  • Treat vaginal infections: Also any kind of vaginal infection that may be the cause for bleeding or blood spotting during sex need to be treated right way with the adequate doses of antibiotics that your doctor can prescribe.

When to Go to a Doctor?

If you are worried about bleeding during intercourse or after having it, it is recommended to go visit your doctor and have a physical exam. At the doctor´s appointment you will go through some routine questions from your doctor in order to know if the bleeding after sex is normal or if it could be something more serious. Your doctor may want to know if you started taking birth control pills since this could be the cause of a breakthrough bleeding due to the change in hormones. Your doctor will also ask you if you have any pain during sex, which can be caused by lack of lubrication or an infection.

The doctor will conduct a pelvic exam to see if there is any signs of the bleeding, such as vaginal tears or lesions, cervical polyps or inflammation. When the doctor performs a pap test, the doctor can swab your cervix to test for sexual transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, which can be a cause for bleeding after sex. If your results are positive for a sexual transmitted disease this can be easily treated with antibiotics.

Since a pap test can also detect any abnormal or cancer cells this can help to discard these alarming causes or to be able to treat it as soon as possible if the results are abnormal. If your Pap test results are normal but you are still experiencing bleeding after or during sex, your doctor may recommend a colposcopy, which starts like a pap test but it is a longer procedure and the doctor will use a special device to take a better look to your cervix.

Post Menopause bleeding after Intercourse: If you are experiencing post menopause bleeding after sex is not considered normal and you should visit your doctor and get tested for cervical cancer, endometrial cancer and other high risk factors that can be causing this, the doctor may perform a transvaginal ultrasound to get a closer look.

Important to Note

You have to keep in mind that although bleeding after sex, blood spotting or even bleeding just a little after sex can be a normal issue for lots of women, if you are not experiencing any pain and the bleeding stops, you shouldn’t be concerned for this any longer but if you are constantly bleeding or light spotting after sex, and you are many days apart from starting or finishing your period you should always consider visiting your doctor to have the correct examination and prevent or treat any of the causes explained in this article.

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