9 Signs of High Blood Sugar and What You Need to Start Doing Immediately

The human body naturally has sugar, or glucose, in the blood. In fact, the right amount of blood sugar which, you get from the foods you consume, provides your organs and body’s cells with energy. In addition, high blood sugar occurs when there’s a buildup of excess glucose in the bloodstream.

Diabetes is developed when the body stops releasing normal amounts of insulin. Therefore, in order to keep the blood sugar at the optimal levels, your body requires insulin. The hormone helps to move glucose from your blood into the cells, which is extremely beneficial in preventing high blood sugar.

Apart from your diet, the following factors may also increase your risk of diabetes:

  • A sedentary lifestyle
  • Being overweight or obese
  • A family history of diabetes
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Living with some type of heart disease

On the other hand, here are the most common signs and symptoms of diabetes:

  • Constant thirst and a dry mouth
  • Appetite changes, overeating
  • Weight gain
  • A loss of consciousness
  • Blurred vision
  • Heavy breathing
  • Nerve damage that causes numbness in the hands, feet, and limbs
  • Fatigue and mood swings
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Slow healing of skin wounds, bruises, and cuts
  • Unexplained weight loss changes
  • Pain, swelling, numbness, or tingling of the hands and feet
  • Chronically dry and itchy skin
  • Frequent infections

Fortunately, diabetes can be prevented with treatments and a few lifestyle changes. In fact, numerous people have already controlled diabetes by lowering stress, improving their diet, sleep, and physical activity.

Yet, here are some extra tips to reverse high blood sugar:

1. Regular Checkups

As many people do not develop major symptoms, routine checkups are an important part that can help you prevent high blood sugar levels, a progression of a disease, issues with your skin, eyes, weight, or heart.

2. Control Blood Sugar to Stop Nerve Damage

If you have problems with the digestive tract take probiotics, digestive enzymes, and supplements like magnesium to control the symptoms, relax muscles, and improve gut health.

On the other hand, if you experience hormonal imbalances, sexual dysfunctions, and trouble sleeping. It’s best to reduce stress, improve your diet, and be more physically active.

3. Eat a Balanced Diet and Exercise

Obesity and physical inactivity are strongly linked to the development of diabetes. Therefore, it’s best to maintain a steady carbohydrate intake, avoiding “empty calorie” foods, such as processed foods, whenever possible.

4. Protect the Eyes

In order to prevent eye-related problems like cataracts and glaucoma, you should check your eyes at least twice per year. In addition, wear sunglasses when exposing the sun, and get a lens transplant if your eyes have been severely damaged.

5. Improve Skin health

Caring for your body is extremely important to prevent skin issues and infections. Therefore, it’s crucial to practice good hygiene, and naturally protect your skin in order to prevent blood sugar levels.

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