9 Reasons To Start Eating Peanut Butter

Weight Loss

Many times people avoid peanut butter because they think the high amount of fat will cause weight gain. In fact, it is just the opposite. It can actually help losing weight.

It is a great source of protein, containing eight grams in just two tablespoons. It is also a source of nearly two grams of fiber, and also twelve grams of healthy fat. This will make you control your hunger and late-night cravings.

Brain Health

Peanut butter can help stimulate brain activity and memory since it contains various vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, zinc, magnesium, and niacin. These vitamins are helpful in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and age-related cognitive decline.


Peanut butter is high in antioxidants too, including p-coumaric acid, which has been found to reduce arthritis in animal studies. Actually, peanuts have as many antioxidants as many fruits.

Blood Pressure Control

Peanut butter, apart from fiber and protein, is also rich in magnesium and potassium, and all of them can help you to keep your blood pressure under control. Note that it is important to choose peanut butter that does not have any added salt to it.

Lower Diabetes Risk

A 2002 Harvard study has shown that women who consume nuts and peanut butter on regular basis had a lower risk for developing type 2 diabetes than those who didn’t.

Researcher Rui Jiang, MD, of Harvard School of Public Health, explained that the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in peanut butter can improve glucose and insulin stability.

The study showed that women who ate a tablespoon of peanut butter at least five times per week had a 21 percent lower risk of type 2 diabetes than those that didn’t.

Muscle Recovery

Peanut butter is abundant in protein, which can help your muscles recover from a strenuous workout. The International Society of Sports Nutrition advises people to consume high-quality protein in a two hours range after a workout.

Good during Pregnancy

Due to the high folate content, peanut butter helps in reducing the risk of neural tube defects in the newborn. Therefore, pregnant women, who are not allergic to peanut butter, should seriously consider consuming peanut butter regularly.

Improved Sleep

Peanut butter is a source of tryptophan, which increases the levels of melatonin, the sleep hormone, and serotonin, the hormone for happiness. This can calm you down and help you get a good night’s sleep.

To sum it up, the health benefits of peanut butter are numerous.

Yet, as with all things in life, you should consume it in moderate amounts. It is also crucial to note that you should avoid brands that add a lot of extra ingredients, like sugar, salt, and hydrogenated oil.

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