Makeup Tricks to Make Eyes Bigger

Having big and bright eyes make us appear youthful, alert, and wide awake, not to mention friendlier and more approachable too. And although we all wish to have this kind of eyes on our face, we are not all blessed with them. Those who have the budget are willing to go under the knife to fix their eyes, but you don’t really have to spend a lot just to make your eyes bigger, because there are a few steps that you can take to create the illusion that your peepers are bigger and brighter. Here are a few tips to try.

Add more definition to your brows

One of the tricks that you can use to help make your eyes appear bigger is to define your eyebrows. What this technique does is that it frames your eyes thus creating the illusion that your eyes appear bigger. Putting more focus on your eye area will help a lot.

Hide the dark circles

Having dark circles under your eyes can draw people’s attention to them right from the start. Applying concealer may not make your eyes appear bigger, but it does help lessen the shadows under your eyes that add to their smallness. Use a color correct to minimize the appearance of dark circles and make sure that you choose a shade lighter than the foundation that you are using before blending.

Add a bit of shimmer

What else can you do to make your eyes appear bigger? Apply some shimmer on the inner corners of your eyes. The goal here is to use the shimmer to reflect the light which helps make your eyes appear bigger. Just a small amount will do.

Stick with neutral or light-colored eyeshadow

Another way to make your eyes appear bigger is to use light colored eyeshadows rather than the darker ones that can cast more shadows on your eyes. When applying eyeshadow, remember the art of contouring where light colors are applied on areas that you wish to capture more light. As for the darker shade, this should be reserved on areas that you want to recede. Apply some light eyeshadow on the center of your eyes to bring them forward.

Lay it low when using eyeliner

Smoky eyes look good and all, but when your goal is to make your eyes pop, you will need to learn how to use your eyeliner to your advantage. To make your eyes appear bigger, apply your liner on the outer third of your lower lash line, then just brush or smudge it to soften the look. As for the upper lashes, draw the eyeliner as close to the lashes as you can. You can add a little flick at the end or you can make it thicker too if you like. This will not only add definition to your eyes, but they will appear bigger too.

Create dimension on the crease of your eyes

What else can you do to make your eyes appear bigger? Well, it would be a good idea to utilize the crease of your eyes by applying a soft, rose color, or even matte, warm brown eye shadow on the outer three-fourths. You will see a significant improvement to your eyes this way.

Just because you have small eyes, it doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to make your eyes appear bigger. These are just a few steps on how you can create the illusion that your peepers are big and wide. Test these out and see the difference that they can make to your overall look.

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